Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Clothes doth maketh the Man...[or the Woman]

A lot us wonder about our origins...Who are we? Where are we from? Where are we going? Did our ancestors see the world the same we do today, or worry about the same issues or problems? Why is our sense of self so intricately woven with our identity and the past...who are we really if we are someone at all?

This blog attempts to understand the hybrid nature of 'culture' and the challenges we face today as we navigate our way through 'society' and its myriad meanings and forms. In today's global market - where consumers may discard their 'identity' as quickly as they change their clothes, how do we seperate our different 'characters' from our 'true' self and reality...

What are the timeless and ageless universal norms or ideals that we may share with all who inhabit the world? Do these form an apex or a meeting point between the past, present and future...What can we learn from old Worlde society and what happens when these collide in a contemporary New World setting?

Do we adorn our modern lives with complex ornamentation or are they important 'cultural markers' and/or a necessary means of self-expression? Do clothes doth maketh the man [or woman] or does the person wearing them give meaning to the clothes they wear -as a means of social, religious, or cultural expression...why do we constantly feel the need to define ourselves and what makes us so similar to the rest of the world?

Join me on this journey unrestricted by temporal or geographical boundaries

Welcome to the New World...


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